Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Customer Data Integration

Customer Data Integration (CDI) is the combination of the technology, processes and services needed to create and maintain an accurate, timely, complete and comprehensive representation of a customer across multiple channels, business lines, and enterprises typically where there are multiple sources of associated data in multiple application systems and databases.

What does that really mean? When you ask the average Joe or Jane on the street “What is customer data?” they usually answer "Name and address...maybe social security number?"

However, customer data is much more complex; for example, the number of fields that represent just a name can be anywhere from six to twelve or more (e.g., first name, last name, middle name, initials, nickname, maiden name, married name, professional title, academic title and suffix.) The address entries are almost as complex (e.g., primary address number, pre-directional (N, S, E, W,) street name, street suffix, post-directional, secondary identifier (building, suite, apt,) secondary number, city, state, ZIP, and ZIP+4(R))


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